A Marvel-like Dream

Last night I saw a dream with several new super heroes both good and bad. Only able to remember the beginning and end parts. The whole thing happens in a huge hospital and warehouse, the hospital looks like the one I was born in.

The main villain was an ugly alien who had an axe like Thor's hammer. His superpower was that he would know whenever someone is doing something they are good at and they are enjoying it. His back story was like he was a good kid but he had abusive parents who didn't let him do whatever he wanted. And he started getting these dreams of random people doing things they are good at and their happiness made him happy and jealous. In his teenage he realized they are not dreams but actual people with events in real time, so he started going and seeing them to feel good. But the more he saw the more bad he felt for himself. So to reduce his self pity he confronted one violinist who was her college friend, they fought and in anger he smashed the violin on her head and she died. Immediately he felt this rush of happiness and he saw himself in his vision, that's when he realized that killing people was unfortunately his skill and happiness. He was so shocked that gradually he became depressed. He started seeing college counsellor, but he didn't know that the counsellor was a bad guy who could slowly influence minds, kinda like a negative professor X from X men. He had a secret gang of super villains so slowly he recruited this guy into his gang and made him proper villain.

There were 2 Japanese mermaids in love with each other, they had healing powers. One had physical and other had mental healing power. The villain was winning and everyone was trying to escape and regroup. They were trying to find the way out of the hospital without getting detected by the villain. Imagine two Japanese girls dressed in kimonos and heals looking like anime characters running through the galleys of a huge boring building like a maze. They had almost reached out and were happy to get free, perhaps they had been captured by the villain. In the last part of getting out towards the entrance of a subway station there was a water tube like those in water parks alongside stairs, like we have escalators beside stairs. That world had mermaids mermen commonly who would live normally on ground but could swim like fish so there were travel arrangements for them. One of the girls said let's take the tube, the other said no that's risky, but the first said come on we're out. They were so happy and in rush so they jumped in. The second girl had never tried the tube before so it was exciting for her. But towards the end of the tube she realized that she was really good at it and it made her happy, which meant that the villain knew where she is right now... Fuck.

As soon as they get out of the tube they see people running. They turn back and see the alien villain coming. In all directions are his other villain team members. They are trapped and they keep yelling for help on the street..

That's all I remember.


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